3 Steps to Get Your Hot Tub Fall-Ready in California


Fall is here—one of the best times of the year for a steamy soak. With the changing weather and falling leaves, it’s time to give your jacuzzi a little extra love, so it’s prepped and ready for the new season. Follow these three steps to get your tub in pristine shape.

Step 1: Drain & Clean Thoroughly 

Your jacuzzi or tub probably saw lots of action during the hot summer months. Whether you were a soak-aholic or not, it’s time to give your tub a deep clean. First, start by completely draining your tub.

Starting from the top, scrub down your tub. Be sure to use a safe cleaning agent while cleaning and draining. Get every surface, including the jets and drains. Then, rinse, drain, and refill your tub. 

Step 2: Check Your Filters

The start of a new season is always a great time to check the filters. For tubs, typically, your filter can last anywhere from two to five years if it is properly cared for. With constant use, that lifespan can change.

No matter how long you have had your filter, take a look for any signs of wear or damage that would warrant a replacement. Using a faulty filter will not only create a less relaxing spa experience, but it can result in more maintenance throughout the season. If your filters are in good shape, give them a quick rinse before reinstalling. 

Step 3: Assess & Prep Your Cover 

During the fall, your hot tub cover will become your best friend. With the falling leaves and intense weather, your tub must remain securely covered. Inspect the sealing, hardware, and top for any signs of wear.

If the wear is damaging the overall construction or use of the cover, it might be time for a replacement. Having a strong cover will not only keep your tub clean, but it can help with heat sealing, making your tub more energy-efficient. 

Why Fall is the Best Time for a Jacuzzi

 If you’re like us, you spent most of your summer outdoors—and you’re not ready to give that up just yet. With the cool, crisp air upon us, there’s truly nothing better than a steamy soak. Your at-home spa can be your time to relax and decompress from the stressful day. If you need help maintaining your spa, reach out to us! If you’re looking to upgrade, shop our latest models now!

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