Planning The Perfect Jacuzzi Date Night


Plan the big night using our quick & easy steps below:

Inviting Your Date

Sometimes, inviting someone over can be the most difficult task of all. But with today’s technology, there are so many ways to go about this! You can send a card, send a text, or ask through a phone call. Just make sure the time and date are clear.

Preparing Food

Since you’ll be in the jacuzzi, it’s best to keep the food light. Go for fruit kabobs, veggie trays, or any other finger foods! Try mini caprese bites or fruit and cheese skewers! You want to avoid anything that will easily drip or drop into the jacuzzi.

Preparing Drinks

There’s a variety of drinks perfect for a jacuzzi date night! First, make sure to have water. After that, depending on what you and your date enjoy, there’s wine, champagne, fruit juice blends, lemonade, ciders, and much more. Keep the flavors light and refreshing. Spend some time online looking up drink recipes and browsing the aisles of your local grocery store.

Preparing Music

If you know the type of music your date likes, add those into the playlist. For setting the mood, you can’t go wrong with romantic R&B. You can also search for the top love songs of today or why not try out some oldies? It’s better to put more songs than you anticipate in case you spend more time in the jacuzzi.

Mood Lighting

This can be accomplished using outdoor string lights and/or candles. If you’re setting these up during the day, make sure to go outside and test them at night to see what it will look like. You don’t want it too bright nor too dark for the date.

Using Aromatherapy

Essential oils / aromatherapy blends are wonderful for relaxation. You can use a variety of scents to make the atmosphere perfect. Try lavender or chamomile for relaxation. If you want something energizing, go for eucalyptus or grapefruit. Jasmine or rose are also perfect for continuing to set the mood right. These inSPAration aromatherapy blends are designed specifically for hot tubs.

Don’t Forget

It can be easy to forget some essentials when preparing for the big night. Don’t forget to have a basket of towels at the foot of the jacuzzi. Make it as convenient as possible for your date to go in and out of the hot tub. Also, check to make sure the temperature is right. Take notice of your date during the night and don’t be afraid to ask if they want to adjust the temperature. You want to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Speaking of comfort, if your date permits, give them a massage in the jacuzzi. It’s a great way for them to relax and feel at ease.

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